A good thing at a good price? Sounds good!

So news of an ESV Study Bible, when it reached my ears many months ago, was very exciting. Knowing by reputation some of the contributors, trusting many of those who have been prepared to publicly endorse it, and having seen something the scale of scholarship that has gone into it, I'm increasingly eager to get hold of a copy.
It seems that its UK launch is November but you can pre-order from some distributors now. This I have done through Amazon who are offering the hardback version for an incredible £26.39 - nearly £15.00 cheaper than the list price! If you were thinking of getting one, you surely want to get in on this, and if you were considering getting one, this should settle your decision. Not only will that get you the book itself but also free access to the online version with all the resources of the book available to you, plus space to write your own thoughts and notes. I'm anticipating that will become my first choice for storing thoughts, memories, resources, and even preach outlines!
If you want to find out some more about it, the website has some sneak previews, endorsements, and details on different formats.
I'm looking forward to getting hold of my copy, after which I'll give it a proper view and (I hope) endorsement, for what that is worth. In the meantime, let's praise God that He has given us all we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3), and for the efforts of men and women who help us to see this.
Here is one of them, J.I. Packer, with his thoughts: