Review: No shout too loud

My response to No shout too loud is pretty much the same as all the other Newday worship CDs: Great songs (and memories), not enough songs. If you were at Newday and want one new album of worship songs this year, then this is the one to go for; if you’re a more frequent shopper (of Phatfish and Matt Redman in particular) then you may be a bit disappointed by the overlap. I’m happy with my purchase, however, as it has added a bunch of long-wanted tracks to my collection but fair warning is probably necessary.
What comes through strongly just from looking at the track titles is how God-focused, God-exalting this album is: Let God arise, In Jesus, You alone can rescue, You never let go, To You King Jesus, How great Thou art… Western worship sometimes seems tempted to sing about us more than Jesus but that is not the case here: the songs are simple and simply about Him.