This week: choose your policy, illiberal liberalism, confirming what you believe, VHS, flat-pack

We went to Melrose. Most of it was closed but the river was slick and lovely.

You may have noticed there's a lot of politics around at the moment. If you're curious about whose policies you support, rather than which party leader you dislike the least, Vote For Policies is a helpful tool.

When does liberalism become illiberal? Sometimes when Christianity is involved, suggests Tim Montgomerie (£).

Why do Christians value spontaneity above craftsmanship? asks Jonny Mellor.

The unnoticed power of confirmation bias and how it affects all of us is explored by George Yancey.

Amar Toor reports on how Ikea have put their flat-pack skills to brilliant use: creating safer refugee camps.

Less significant but also good skills: Julien Knez has made VHS covers for some of today's films and TV shows.

This is Easter weekend: the most important and hopeful event in history. Karsten Piper shares a great poem by Mary Karr about the resurrection and explains its power.

The key to it all, of course, is whether Jesus really did rise from the dead. Professor N.T. Wright's documentary for Channel 4 from 2004 gives a clear answer...