Week 31 miscellany: what's happening in the world

This is the view from The Knock in Crieff

If you're still wondering how the Brexit vote happened, you're probably just as perplexed by anyone finding Donald Trump appealing. J.D. Vance can give you some serious answers.

The story of the church in China is one of the greatest of modern history: you can find out more about it and what life is like for believers there today from Yu Jie.

On a very different note but continuing the international theme (just about), Present &; Correct have found some wonderful-looking pocket calendars from Hungary.

Also colourful but generally more prosaic, Jonn Elledge shows how the growth rates of the UK's cities isn't what you'd expect it to be.

I'm part of a worldwide family of churches called Newfrontiers. In this interview, its founder Terry Virgo explains how things have changed and grown over the past five years: