Here and There, Week 30 2017

There aren't many better places to play golf than Bruntsfield Links on a sunny day.

If you can stomach the irony of me using a blog of things to read that aren't books to strongly recommend that you read an article about reading books, then see what Philip Yancey has to say, and then find a book to read.

Maybe you don't have time to read, or do anything else, because you're a young mum. John Piper gives his advice on how to do your soul good in a tiring time.

If you want to improve your Bible reading, Deron Spoo's four suggestions are worth considering.

If you've ever wondered why some things cost a lot of money (particularly when there are cheap copycat alternatives), then Danny Lenihan's passionate defence of his company's practices gives a  helpful perspective.

I think puns are funny, so I like Glen Scrivener's list of his 100 "least worst" wordplay jokes.

Using Two-Factor Authentication will make your computer accounts more secure, and Natt Garun has written a guide to setting it up for many of the most popular web services.