Imagine I came up with a title that wasn't lame or patronising about women's blogs. Insert it here

I did a quick survey of my study library (100+ books) and found just two that were written by women. And one of them is there for a bit of a joke because it's called The folk arts in renewal. The other is a really helpful book called Why trust the Bible? by Amy Orr-Ewing. At home, as mentioned recently, I have Corrie ten Boom's trilogy but that is it. Why? I think there's something about the market I'm buying into: mostly books by church leaders and theologians who are rightly and not-so-rightly (respectively*) pretty much always by men. Also, it seems that most books written by women for Christians are for Christian women so that counts me out.
Blogging is another matter however, and hopefully it will help increase the number and diversity of female voices in Christian writing. I really enjoy reading blogs written by women for a couple of related issues. Firstly, whilst having the same values as me they often have a completely different perspective which I find so helpful. Secondly, they are teaching me a lot about women!
Here are a few of the blogs I've found: I hope they help and inspire you, whichever gender you are:
Reforming the feminine. Part of the Mars Hill VoxPop network of blogs. Lengthy, thoughtful and honest.
Unfurling flower. An award-winning blog written by woman from a Newfrontiers church in Brighton. She loves theology, writes really well and doesn't pull any (girly) punches.
A path less followed. By the author of Unfurling flower and two of her friends. Loads of great ideas and real mutual love. A post on relationships within their house was a real revelation to me about how girls can react to one another!
Street encounters and other stuff! Wendy Mann is a friend of mine who works at the King's Arms Church in Bedford. This blog is about the faith adventures she's going on - be provoked!
Sarah D ramblings. Anyone who calls John Stott "Stotty" is alright in my book!
Girltalk. Written by "A mother and three daughters who love the gospel and aspire to biblical womanhood" this is a busy site addressing everything from the changing of "diapers" to 9/11.
Radical womanhood. I haven't read much of this one but the title's a winner!
* For a very thorough statement of beliefs about this subject, with which I generally agree, go here. And to download a massive book about biblical manhood and womanhood go here. It's a great resource, you should download it anyway.