Taking the Bible into schools

OtB has a programme of stories based on the Lion Storyteller Bible which are presented in ten-minute dramas over the course of a school year. Further years' material is being developed. Every week teams of Christians are going into primary schools across the country and acting out the amazing things God has done – at the schools' invitation! As someone who once turned water into wine (with the aid of some hidden cordial), I can testify to the powerful effect of these dramas. The children love them, as to the teachers, and OFSTED has also commented positively.
Could your church do this? It's such a great way to get involved with the local community and sow gospel seeds into young lives. All that's required are some willing volunteers, the hard work has been done by the OtB team in putting together the guidance handbook. God's hand is clearly on this project, why not discover that for yourself? For more information, contact the team.