Newfrontiers fashion update

Newfrontiers Prayer & Fasting events are simultaneously brilliant and incredibly hard work. The lack of food is frequently paramount in my thoughts but the other major distraction for me is what other people are wearing. This probably just goes to show how easily distractable I am.
- Neutral colours and styles, unnecessary scarves, semi-hidden iPhones.
This is an improvement on the recent trend of older men wearing awfully-coloured sportswear, for which I blame TK Maxx and Sports Direct. Since my late teens I've always been committed to the principle of dressing one's age, which is why as I approach my fourth decade I spend more of my time in GAP than H&M, and recently got rid of a pair of 'skater' trainers.
Brothers, there are many things we have been called to pioneer - the sports-casual renaissance is not one of them.