Elsewhere in week 42
Here's what I've been looking at...
The Met Office explaining why you can't trust long-range weather forecasts.
Hedley Twidle on the last days of Nelson Mandela, who lives, as Rob Nixon says, "on the cusp of time, embodying a people’s hope, yet monumentalised on a scale ordinarily reserved for the dead”.
"We are wallowing about, really, in an atemporal zone of cultural production" according to Will Self.
A report in The Spectator claims that 80% of all acts of religious discrimination in the world today are directed at Christians."
You know the story of how NASA spent millions developing a pen for space whilst the Soviets used pencils? It's not true.
Talking of myths, here's David Mitchell dismantling the "religion makes you evil" one:
All this and more can be found in more digestible form on my Twitter account.