Here and There, Week 19 2017

It's hard to find one photo from our holiday on Skye to summarise how great it was,
but I've gone for this one.

Skye is unsurprisingly one of the settings for photos that made it into Landscape Photographer of the Year: 10 Year Special Edition, and you can see more of them here.

What does marriage mean? Andrew Wilson gives a beautiful demonstration...

Pensions tend to be boring and complicated, so too many younger people don't think about them. Patrick Collinson has some wise advice and a simple plan for under-40s.

Christianity can feel like a slog sometimes, says Trevin Wax, and that's a good thing.

If you're a preacher wanting to improve your preaching, Gavin Ortlund has five excellent suggestions.

If you're a leader wanting to improve your leading, we're opening applications for a new intake to New Ground Academy, and my friend George made a brilliant video to advertise it...